
in a manner of speaking
by Guglielmo Vezzosi
the wake of a great tradition, Pisa boasts an excellent university
and unrivalled research facilities.
The stones of the medieval towers and the lavish aristocratic
homes overlooking the Arno are strong shoulders supporting the
weight of many centuries of history and upholding the reputation
of a university culture and tradition deeply rooted in this city.
you walk, through the labyrinth of lanes and streets in Pisa,
you can see groups of students going in and out of the historical
buildings that today house libraries and university departments.
It is the epilogue of a slow transformation that in a few decades
has changed the face of the city: the ceilings of frescoed halls
from which high-spirited, rather irreverent seventeenth-century
angels peep down no longer witness the sumptuous celebrations
of the local aristocracy. Instead, the lecture rooms of university
faculties are opened, or state-of-the-art laboratories where new
frontiers of scientific and technological research are overcome
every day. All this is the Pisa campus, a lively, modern city
born of the ancient town and its memories, built one piece at
a time by means of an “acquisitions campaign” conducted by the
University, which has made possible the salvage and restoration
of important buildings connected with the name and the history
of Pisa.
The presence of the University and of major research institutes
also redeems Pisa from the state of stupor and the syndrome common
to other cities too, who after experiencing a glorious and brilliant
period in ancient times, transform their past into an alibi for
a weak, indolent present. Indelible traces and evidence of the
might of the seafaring republic defeated by the Genoese in the
naval battle of Meloria in 1284 still survive in the pure white
marble of the Square of Miracles, but the memory of lost power
has turned into mortified and dreary architectural, monumental
and even human melancholy, that has accompanied the sluggish flow
of the waters of the Arno for centuries. The birth of the University
of Pisa - dating back to 1343 when the papal bull In supremae
dignitatis was issued - contributed, at least in part, to redeem
this image. Today the university has 11 faculties and 57 departments
with a total of more than 48,000 students, but at the beginning
it certainly didn’t have an easy life, being directly involved
in the politics of the period. Suffice it to say that after the
rebellion of Pisa against Florentine rule (1494) that ended in
a long siege and the subsequent reconquest of the city (1509),
the university was transferred first to Prato and then to Pistoia.
Finally, under the Grand Duke Cosimo I de’ Medici (1519-1574)
the university obtained new financing and Statutes, becoming one
of the most important research and teaching centres in Europe:
in these years the Pisan scientist Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
formulated the theory of isosynchronism of the pendulum by observing
the oscillations of a lamp inside the cathedral. Also in the 16th
century (1544) Luca Ghini, a doctor, founded the Botanical Gardens,
the oldest in the world together with the one in Padova.
After the Grand Dukes of the new Hapsburg-Lorraine dynasty gave
new impetus and encouragement to the university in the second
half of the 18th century, in the Napoleonic period the university
was transformed into an Imperial Academy and, above all, in 1810
the Scuola Normale Superiore opened, modelled on the one in Paris.
The most prestigious school of Italian excellence is housed in
the Palace of the Carovana, which owes its present appearance
(1562) to the genius and the skills of Giorgio Vasari. It stands
in Piazza Cavalieri, the site in ancient times of the Palace of
the Elders and of the soaring Tower of the Gualandi family, famous
for being the place where the unfortunate Count Ugolino della
Gherardesca was locked up and starved to death together with his
two sons and grandsons(1289), all immortalised in a famous passage
of Canto XXXIII of Dante’s Inferno.
Not far away in Via della Faggiola, a few dozen metres from the
square, stands the house where Giacomo Leopardi composed “To Silvia”
during his stay in Pisa in 1828. The door of the house is still
the same as in the poet’s time, and an unknown hand places a posy
of fresh flowers here every week in honour of the poet from Recanati.
Some of the most modern laboratories of the Normal High School
are housed in the rooms where Leopardi was a guest. In the advanced
frontiers of research, both in scientific and humanistic fields,
a great gamble is under way: to beat the competition in knowledge
and learning, a strategic challenge for a truly avant-garde University.
In a new situation that requires more and more technology, information
and an even closer relationship between industry and research,
the Scuola Normale has no intention of remaining isolated. With
its two centuries of history and distinguished scholars (Giosué
Carducci, Carlo Rubbia and Enrico Fermi, to name only the Nobel
Prize winners), it adopts a precise model for the education of
students, scientists and citizens. A glance down the list of all
its pupils from 1810 until today is sufficient to remain impressed:
as well as the three Nobel Prize winners, it includes the names
of two Presidents of the Republic (Carlo Azeglio Ciampi and Giovanni
Gronchi), physicists, mathematicians, philologists and great writers.
Every year students wishing to enter must undergo a very strict
selection, but in almost two centuries the School has always been
faithful to its tradition and has continued to mould a considerable
part of the Italian intellectual and ruling classes.
Another of Pisa’s excellent schools, located in a fourteenth-century
Benedictine ex-monastery completely restored and surrounded by
gardens and greenery, in the heart of the historical centre, is
the Sant’Anna Superior School of university and post-graduate
studies, born of the merging of the Superior School of university
and post-graduate studies with the Conservatory of Sant’Anna in
1987, two institutes with a heritage of a long and consolidated
tradition of studies. In this School where, among others, former
Prime Minister Giuliano Amato and ex-Ministers Enrico Letta and
Antonio Maccanico graduated, it is necessary to pass an entrance
test that evaluates the potential, aptitudes and intellectual
curiosity of the candidates. Throughout the years the School has
increased its offer of courses with the objective of experimenting
in innovative research and academic training at the highest level,
to respond to society’s growing expectations of modernisation
and innovation. Pisa, city of science, also holds another record:
the Cep-Calcolatrice Elettronica Pisana, the first computer designed
and constructed in Italy was created in the shadow of the Leaning
It all began with an idea of Enrico Fermi’s in 1953. The provinces
of Pisa, Lucca and Leghorn set aside 150 million lire, a considerable
sum at the time, for the realisation of a synchrotron (which was
later constructed in Frascati). Fermi suggested using most of
the money to design and create a computer, namely the Cep. The
research team that conceived it then merged with the Electronic
Calculator Study Centre (Csce) of the National Research Council
(CNR) Today one of the CNR’s most important sites is located in
Pisa: no less than 15 institutes in a research centre that is
an incubator of technologies and professionalism, making it a
structure of absolute excellence at national and international
level. In short, Pisa is the city of genius, art and culture that
has bewitched young lovers and severe professors, learned scientists
and disenchanted narrators through the centuries, inspiring writings
and memories many of which passed down on pages that are still
indelible. Just recently Nistri-Lischi - the refined publisher
of all things Pisan - printed a volume quoting descriptions by
foreign and Italian travellers during their long or even short
stays in Pisa from the 16th to the 20th centuries. The picture
presented by the great French historian Jules Michelet, who arrived
in Pisa in 1830 after having visited the most important Italian
towns, is especially striking in this sense: “None of the memories
I have of Italy are more vivid than the nostalgia I feel for the
city of Pisa.
Certainly, Florence is splendid, and Rome is majestic and tragic;
but for all that, it seems to me that it would be so sweet to
live and die in Pisa”. And in 1907 Le Corbusier declared: “To
the devil with painters, to the devil with their daubs, one little
angel in the Cathedral is worth all the daubers in the world.
Always in love with Pisa. Even after having seen the Parthenon
and Pompeii.”
Guglielmo Vezzosi, journalist for La Nazione