Sistema Museale |
Sistema Museale |
Sistema Museale |
A such artistic patrimony has
rendered Saint Miniato the natural center of a
experiment lead from the Communal Administration, the
Soprintendenza and the Foundation of the Savings and
loan company of Saint Miniato: the realization of a
museale system that, instead resolving it
self in the
concentration of the works in an only place of
exposure, trace a city route in eight places in which
the works can be made use in their natural container.
The first one of the eight poles is the Museum
Diocesano d' Sacred Arte, been born in 1966.
The second is the Oratory of the Lorentino.
The third
party is placed to the Association of Bologna of
Roffia Palace, along the road that gives the Public
square of the Seminary leads towards the city center.
The quarter is the rising nucleus of the
Archaeological Museum, situated in the ipogei spaces
of the monastico complex of Saint Domenico, to side of
the Chiostri opened the public, that it contains the
testimonies of the Saint Etruscan and roman Miniato.
The fifth pole, plus distant from the center, is the
conservatory of Saint Chiara, ancient center of the
Sixth it is placed to the inside of Palace
Improves to you, in the center of the Academy of the
Euteleti, been born in the 1822 from the Academy of
the Rinati, than in its turn it was founded in 1748 to
renew the first Academy of Sciences and Letters risen
to Saint Miniato in the 1600's, that one of the
Entrusted ones.
The seventh pole is represented from
the Angelic Way, ulterior ipogeo of the Dominican
church, opposite space regarding the prospect to that
one of the Archaeological Museum.
Eighth it is,
finally, the Frederic the Great Rocca, that it
concludes this virtual route do not comprise works,
but render possible to observe, from its top, the
particular structure of the City designed on the
crinali of hills and entire the flat one centers them
of the Arno.
