Italian translation
The committee appointed for the protection and conservation of the Tower
of Pisa met in mid-June. Since no definitive action had been taken since
it was first instituted a year ago, many were expecting some kind of
The committee---whose term expires at the end of this year---once again
postponed any major course of action.
Despite this stalling, yet a third "temporary" measure was agreed upon.
Two steel supports will be harnessed the tower up to the height of the
second loggia. The experimental excavations have been postponed until the
beginning of 1999. From the results of these excavations, it will then be
decided whether or not this measure is indeed the best means of correcting
the inclination of the tower. If not, a new course of action will have to
be determined. The scientific conference, which had been tentatively
scheduled to take place at the end of this year, was pushed back until the
12th, 13th, and 14th of April, 1999. By this time, the committee hopes
(rather optimistically) to present a definitive project. In light of these
developments, which were divulged in a press conference rather than
through an official press release, the following can be surmised:
1.This latest deferment only temporarily (and perhaps only apparently)
resolves the fierce conflicts within the committee which for over a year
have impeded the approval of corrective measures for the tower.
Additionally, a new law will have to be passed in order to extend the
mandate of this eighteenth commission beyond 1998.
2. The so-called "temporary" measures have resulted in considerable damage
to the Campanile. It is now recognized that the removal 1,000 metric tons
of lead bearing down upon the circular foundation is entirely unfeasible
3. This fourth and most recent deferment of an international scientific
conference confirms the tendency of the committee only to inform the
scientific community of their decisions, and to exclude them from the
decision-making process, thus avoiding any kind of confrontation or
exchange of opinions. From 1990 until today, not a single round table has
been sponsored for the expression and discussion of opinions held by those
outside the committee. A similar authoritarian stance prevailed when the
perilous measures of 1934-35 were undertaken. At that time, the government
in power was not that of Prime Minister Prodi but that of Mussolini.
4. After eight years of projects at a total cost of around 40 billion
lira, not a single viable plan for the permanent stabilization of the
tower (this being the only requirement of the law) has resulted. It is
inexplicable why the Italian government still refuses to acknowledge the
utter inadequacy of the methodology adopted by the last two committees. It
is also not clear why the government has failed to initiate an
investigation to determine responsibility for "Black Saturday".
With good
reason one suspects that the parties responsible for that potentially
disastrous event were never denounced during the eighteenth commission,
and that these same individuals are still in charge of operations today.
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