Pittore Sidro
Gagliardi |
Sidro Gagliardi
Livorno |
Sono un pittore autodidatta che, raggiunta l'età di ottanta
anni, desidera far conoscere, tramite internet, le sue opere e
mostrarle ad un pubblico più ampio ed amante della pittura.
Iniziai a disegnare con personalità propria, usando matite ed
inchiostro di china, conquistando gli estimatori del
chiaroscuro, che, vista la mia abilità, mi consigliarono di
tentare con i colori.
Ma abbandonai ben presto i pennelli che furono sostituiti da
un amore profondo per la spatola.
Con la spatola infatti riuscivo ad arricchire la pittura di
materia e ad ottenere colori incontaminati.
I soggetti dei miei quadri spaziavano dalle marine
(pescherecci, rimorchiatori, navi all'ancora...) ai paesaggi
con colline, non trascurando operai al lavoro e fabbriche.
I am a self-taught painter. On reaching the milestone of my
eightieth birthday, I decided that the time had come for me to
tap the potential of the internet by setting up this site,
which allows me to exhibit some of my paintings through the
web to art-lovers the world over.
As a fledgling artist way back when, I started to develop my
own style using nothing more than pencils and China ink. This
early work was well received by certain connoisseurs of
chiaroscuro , who, recognizing that I had talent, encouraged
me to try my hand at painting in color.
It didn't take me long to renounce the pleasures of the
paintbrush once I embarked upon an all-consuming love affair
with the pallet knife. I discovered that the pallet knife made
it possible for me to enrich the texture of the paintings
themselves and to achieve pure, uncontaminated colors.
The subject matter of my paintings from this period ranged
from seascapes (fishing boats, tug boats, ships at anchor, etc)
to landscapes, complete with gently undulating hillsides. I
would also often depict shipyard workers and factories.